How We Can Help: Services and Events


Theme Passage: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12: 1-2)

Services/Resources Include (No Fees but donations are welcome)

Newsletter: Just A Minute With Scripture

Books on How to Study the Bible

Bible Study with Application to Life                       

Life Coaching                                             



Women’s Retreats                                      

Support Groups

Concrete Bible Resources                                        

Link to Community Resources            

Consultations for Problem Solving

What Is Life Coaching

What is a Christian Life Coach and how can this service be beneficial?  Life coaching is a new, dynamic helping service for Christians. This avenue of support is different from therapy and counseling in that the focus is not on ‘psychology’ or about the saint’s ‘past’.  It centers upon what God has instructed us to do in this age of Grace and on the ‘present,’ moving forward to make wise decisions and to mind spiritual things. The priority is tangible, goal oriented change, partnering with saints to help them realize who they are in Christ,  problem solving with Scripture, and practically applying the Word to the details of life. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” (II Tim. 3:16-17)

 Ideally, this assistance is provided within the local assembly by leaders, friends or family members who have the needed wisdom and knowledge.  However,  there is a gap in support for many believers within the Body of Christ, as not all have these wonderful resources.  A coach, who can be objective, understands sound doctrine, and is able to use the light of Paul’s distinctive ministry to provide clarity, insight and support, maybe crucial for those in need.

Professional Services Available

Our Christian private practice is a ministry geared to assist those who desire results in pursuing their goals and dreams. It is our joy to assist others to move forward, provide support and ready clients to make their vision a reality, using Scripture as the authority. We specialize in addressing the needs of adults, seniors, and young adults.

Examples Of Coaching and Seminar Topics

Note: The background, experience, and specific training of our Life Coaches enable us to provide a wide range of service areas:

-Spiritual Support/Mentoring             

-Life Transitions & Futures Planning              

-Coping Strategies

-Pre-Marriage & Marriage Issues         

-Anxiety, Stress, & Sleep Challenges           

-Developing Support systems           

-Learning to Break the Sin Cycle       

-Overcoming Destructive Habits                     

-Problem Solving Skills

-Managing Time/Getting Organized   


-Women Issues

-Applying Scripture to Life Issues     

-Acting as Who You Are In Christ                    

-Dealing with Aging



-Bible Study Skills

 -Dealing with ADD/ADHD                   

-Addictions/Socially Acceptable Habits   

-Personal Budgeting/Money Issues