The link below is our YouTube Channel, which includes video teachings from Brian and Deborah. Some are coaching and others are teachings from a Pauline perspective. The majority of the Bible study series are on the book of Romans. The reason is that this is where we are to obtain our establishment in doctrine for the Boby of Christ. Romans 1:11 relays the goal of the book. The link is Christian Life Coach Support. Look at the playlists for particular groupings of teachings.

Playlist: Romans 6-8 Understanding Your Identity In Christ and Our Sanctified Walk as a Believer

Playlist: Truth To Go Series is a 15-minute coaching on popular topics:

Playlist: Two Become One Series is a 15-minute coaching/teaching on Marriage. Topics from making the decision to marry and onward:

Playlist: Marriage: Going Deeper Series is a 15-minute coaching/teaching on deeper issues in marriage:

Playlist: Lighting the Fire Series is a 15-minute coaching/teaching on issues regarding the Word of God